Monday, February 09, 2004

Survey your eyes out...

Here's a survey I filled out that subsequently got me hit on by like three chicks. Score!

1) Starting time: 4:44
2) Your Name: Neil
3) Nicknames: Neil
4) School: Baylor University
5) E-mail:
6) Eyes: blue
7) Sign: Libra
8) Pets: dog, Irish, lives at home
9)Siblings: Katie 27, Bennie Hanna 20, Breath 18

10 )Been so drunk you blacked out: If by “drunk” you
mean, “high on my mother’s love”, then, no.
11)Taken any illegal substances: sorry, I’m not that
12)Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yeah, I wore my
“twinkie” pj pants to class the other day. Totally
had 5 people cop a feel.
13)Missed school b/c it was raining: I live in texas,
why don’t you ask me if I’ve ever missed school
because of a cattle stampede, or because the injun’s
done got into the firewater… and I’d call you a
freaking racist jerk.
14)Set any body part on fire for amusement: totally
saw a kid light a fart once at summer camp. His legs
were so hairy they caught on fire… oh my gosh, that
was so funny. oh don’t worry, he can still adopt.
15)Kept a secret from everyone: don’t know, it’s a
secret! :/
16)If not who knows your deepest ones: chad or mary.
Sam and I have some pretty authentic conversations.
17)Wanted to hook up with a friend: just the chicks…
(whew! That was a close one)
18)Cried during a Flick: yeah, when I realized I spent
my own money to pay for “Timeline”. That movie wasn’t
worth jack-taco.
19)Had a crush on a teacher: mrs. Thompson was more
than a teacher to me… she was a woman of class and
character. 82 years of hot class and character…
20)Ever thought an animated character was hot?:
Jessica Rabbit always has, and probably always will do
it for me.
21)Ever at anytime owned New Kids on the Block stuff:
I still burn their songs on cd’s… you jerk.
22)Planned your week based on the TV Guide: not
really, but thanks to one tree hill and smallville,
the wb is slowly taking over my life.
23)Prank called someone: yeah, I’m looking for Mr.
Jablomey? His first name is Heywood…
24)Been on stage: I had the lead in Yankee Doodle in
the Keokuk community play the summer after senior
year. That was the only play/musical I ever tried out

Shampoo: Suave Lavender
26)Soap: suave warm vanilla sugar-something body wash.
27)Color: I like blues, but any solid color with
black is pretty hot. I think yellow is like the
hottest color a girl can wear.
28)Day/Night: mornings and nights. I don’t care about
the rest of the time.
29)Summer/Winter: Autumn is the best!
30)Online? This question sucks
31)Lace or satin: Satin, lace itches (chafes is more
like it.)
32)Cartoons: Family Guy-Best cartoon ever! and the
simpsons and south park
33)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no, thanks for
bringing that up. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to
go cry in a corner… cold and alone… oh so cold and
34)Like anyone: constantly, I’m always looking for a
new ex-girlfriend.
35)Who have you known the longest of your Friends: I
would have to say that the friend I’ve known the
longest that I actually keep in touch with would have
to be Missy.
37)Who's the shyest: my friend tim is pretty shy. But
then again my friend steven’s kind of shy. But he
doesn’t let that stop him from going out of his way to
get to know people. He’s a hero of mine.
38)Who do you go to for Advice: the up-side of being
perfect is that I never need advice. Chad, sam, dad.
Mary, greg and jason are all people I really trust.
39)Who do you get the most surveys from: most of my
friends don’t subject me to surveys
40)Who do you cry with: I’ll honestly cry with just
about anyone. Except a chick, but they’re not real
people, are they? Jk jk jk.

>~~**IN THE LAST 2 Weeks**~~
41)Cried: I seriously almost cried after my friend
eric deleted this email when I was 2 questions from
being done the first time.
42)Cut your hair: been a month or two.
43)Worn a skirt: actually, yes.
44)Been mean: yes, it’s a hard job to drown puppies,
but someone has to do it.
45)Been sarcastic: I prefer the terms “caustic” or
46)Met someone new: unfortunately.
47)Talked to someone you have a crush on: myself!
Depends, are you someone?
48)Missed someone: I never forget to adjust the
49)Hugged someone: yeah, but I prefer to call it “perv
a feel”.
50)Fought with your parents: yes. I actually had to
kill my father in a death match to decide who would
get to lead the pack and get to mate with the females.
51)Wished upon a star: yes, I’m a sap.
52)Laughed until you cried: yes, thank you midgets
53)Played Truth or Dare: “neil, I DARE you to leave me
alone… forever”
54)Watched a sunrise/sunset: one of the benefits of
being an insomniac
55)Went to the beach at night: once again, central
texas has no beaches.
56)Spent quality time alone: if I have such a “great
personality”, why am I still all alone? Huh mom?
Huh! Thanks a lot for the lies mom! Thank you!
57)Read a book for fun: Blue like Jazz, If chins could
kill: the life of a B movie actor, and I’m currently
attempting “seeds of contemplation”
58)Ate a meal: yes
59)Are you lonely: nope, sniff sniff, nope
60)Are you happy: y’know, God doesn’t really give me a
choice on the matter. No matter how little I deserve
it, I keep receiving blessings on top of blessings.
61)Are you talking to someone online: I was talking to
Kim earlier. James is in the room bothering me. But
he does have a cleeeean fade!
62)God/Devil: yes
63)Love: absolutely, I’ve seen myself naked and that’s
something only love could overcome.
64)The Closet Monster: y’know, why can’t we just leave
Michael Jackson alone? He’s a lyrical genius!
65)The Big Bang Theory: personally, I think the big
bang theory is full of holes… unless you fit God in
there. Then it makes it pretty darn amazing. I think
that’s more impressive than the whole 7 day thing.
66)Heaven/Hell: yeah, despite myself.
67)Superstitions: I still jump the foul lines when I
walk onto a field.
68)What is your full name? Neil Edward Jude Golemo
69)Who named you? Neil for my mom’s dad and Edward for
my dad’s dad.
70)Backstreet Boys or N Sync? NSYNC
71)When was the last time you showered? last night
72)What color pants do you have on right now? sexual
chocolate brown.
73)What song are u listening to right now?: ain’t
nothin’ but a G-thang- Dre. Wait it just turned to
“kiss the girl” from the little mermaid soundtrack… no
crap. That’s luh-git!
74)What was the last thing that you said: “I’m
thirsty, jon. Give it to me.” (I was talking about
the coke he had just taken from me.)
75)What is right next to you? My book and the matrix
reloaded, and young guns dvd’s.
76)What is your computer desk made of? A pretty
hardcore desk that’s like 80’s old. Its clean.
77)What is your phone number? 254-292-5580, but call
319-331-5937 for a good time!
78)What was the last thing you ate? I had a bowl of
French onion soup and some fajitas from penland.
79)Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: I don’t
really care as long as room is nice! (insert dirty old
man laugh)
80)Who do you want to spend the rest of your life
with?: Eliza Dushku
81)How many buddies do you have on your list? I think
like 128 fools and I only talk to 20 of them.
82)How's the weather right now? sunny and cool.
T-shirt weather.
83)Have you ever smoked pot? Not so much.
84)What did you do last night? Cleaned my room (as I
do daily), went to coffee with mary, proposed to mary,
got turned down by mary, watched spiderman to sooth my
rejected soul, slept like a baby.
85)What's the best thing that you find about the
opposite sex? Looking into that special someone’s
eyes and knowing that there’s nothing that she could
possibly do that you haven’t already forgiven her for.
Its about knowing that there was someone in the world
that, is like you. It’s knowing that no matter how
crazy the world gets, no matter how far away you may
be from her, there’s that warm feeling from knowing
that you’re never alone. You have a partner. That
and boobs are nice too.
86) How are you today? Swell
87)How do you eat an Oreo? I’ve decided to start
strapping them directly to my arse. At least now I
know why dogs are always hanging around my butt.
88)Who makes you happy? My friends, family and
89)Fave CD? Batman forever soundtrack, it’s the DOOK!
90)Dream car? The jetta turbo-diesel gets like 53 mpg
so that’s hot. But my dream car is the Subaru WRX.
Fo shizzle.
91)Have you ever won any special awards? Yes, tons.
92)What do you want to be when you grow up? “I want to
be a shepherd. Get a nice little space up by Patua,
get some sheep and tend to them.” Name that movie!
Actually, I just want to work with people. I’m sure
that God’ll put something in my way. Until then, this
grad. School thing looks pretty smooth.
93) What are your future goals?: finish up puberty
would be nice
94)Fave music? Whatever. I haven’t been able to find
much that I can’t listen to.
95)Favorite Food? I love to cook. And I’ll try
anything twice
96)Favorite movies?
97)Fave day of this year? I think the day my dad came
down to texas to see me get my class ring. I love my
father. If I’m have the father he’s been to me, I’ll
have counted my life complete.
98)Fave guys cologne? I wear aqua di gio. On the
ladies, I’m a fan of cucumber melon and tommy girl…
but to be honest, it doesn’t really matter. Its more
of a matter of who the perfume is on.
99)Do you like to dance? I love to dance, all the
time. Doesn’t mean I’m good.
100)Fast or slow? Fast
101)Are you too shy to ask someone out? Absolutely
not. I’m pretty balls-out. I hate the phrase, “guard
your heart”. I want to love others first, and deal
with the consequences later. Yeah, I know it means I
get hurt from time to time, but I’d rather get hurt
than pass up a chance at something really great.
God’ll give me the strength to heal a broken heart.
102)Fave name brand? I’m really not a big fan of name
brands. I do most of my shopping at the GAP but I
almost never buy anything that’s not on sale.
103)If you could change your name, what would it be?
Tocomba, Queen of the Jungle
104)Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No, but I do
have a body pillow I refer to as “my girlfriend”
105)Have you ever been in love? Yes, it was a while
ago, but yes.
106)What is the stupidest thing you have ever done? I
say a lot of really stupid crap. I think I have
tourrett’s or something. I mean there was that time I
hit on Colon Powell’s wife…
107)What will your first son's name be? Ben, Gregg or
108)What will your first daughters name be? Jubilation
is a good one. Quincy and Madison are pretty sweet
names. I also really like the name Mary.
109)Favorite drink? Milk, Dr Pepper or Newcastle Brown
110)Do you like scary or happy movies better? I’m a
fan of scary movies, but I also love to laugh… scary
111)On the phone or in person? I hate talking on the
phone. Did you know that 65% of all the information
we communicate is done through non-verbal
communication? I’m a communications major. I know
112)Lust or Love? Love... but a little lust between
those in love would be nice… I think. I mean, its not
like I know or anything.
113)If you could change something about yourself, what
would it be? I wish I could just leave my faith alone
sometimes. But I know that’s a part of who I am. I
love who I am, and I’m proud of the man my parent’s
and friends have raised.
114)Do you consider cheerleading a sport? Actually,
yes. Have you seen the crazy crap they do? At least
football players get to wear pads.
115: Do you want your friends to answer this back? No,
I hope they have more of a life than this.
116)Who are your crushes? I’m not really in the
“dating mode” I think the only real crush I’ve had
lately would be on Pam… but that was back in October.
There’s lots of people I’m attracted to, I just don’t
really feel like pursuing anything… yeah right.
117.)Favorite concert? I saw John Mayer OPEN for OAR
in iowa city with my two best friends, Jason and Greg
before I left for Baylor in 2001. it was hot.
118.)Finish Time: 6:26

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