Monday, February 09, 2004

Because Mary said the last Blog was a cop-out...

I spent my evening beating Lindsey Deal. Seriously. She and I are a couple of the actors asked to perform the "domestic violence" skit for the "Tunnel of Oppression" put on by Campus Living & Learning at Baylor. We're actually coupled with another "couple" comprised of Sko Embry and Sara Saunders.

We were supposed to practice days ahead of time, but true to form, I dragged my feet and it came down to tonight, the final dress rehearsal. Thank God Almighty, Sko and Sara were as well-equipped as we were unprepared. Thankfully, Lindsey and I were able to glean a TON of stuff -okay basically we copied the whole routine from the well-prepared Sko and Sara.

However, while they helped show us the blocking and nuts and bolts of the skit, I was still having trouble getting violent. The script calls for me to scream (check) throw stuff (check) and then push Lindsey against a wall and slap her (not so much with the "check"). All of this is just so completely contrary to my nature. I'm not saying that I'm so proper or whatever; I know better than that. I'm just not a violent person. Hours and hours and hours of violence on TV growing up, you'd think I'd be able to slap a chick. So much for the "nurture" theory. Anyway, Sara was trying to make me feel better by letting me push her into the wall. No dice. So then she was like "well let me push you up against...

)) Break for Jessica Simpson video ((

the wall. Then you'll see how it doesn't hurt." Before I know it, I'm getting thrown up against the wall of the Baines-Fentress room of the SUB. Now to be honest, I can't remember for the life of me if being thrown up against the wall hurt or not. Believe me, all I can remember is that being thrown up against the wall was so freaking hot. Seriously, for about 30 seconds, Sara Saunders was the hottest woman in my universe.

Make sure you go to the Tunnel of Oppression Monday and Tuesday 10th and 11th of February from 6-10pm. I can't guarantee you'll have fun, as a matter of fact I'd feel better guaranteeing the opposite. However, I can, in all honesty, promise you it'll be an experience you'll not forget. You'll thank me for it.

One thing I love about it, is it arouses such emotion in people.

And a reply by yours truly:

Out like Trout...

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