Tuesday, February 03, 2004

alright. so this is my first "post".

it all started when chad told me about his blogsite. he said how he liked it and stuff, so i went there. as i was reading his stuff, i couldn't help but feel like i was reading his diary. for a second, i felt like i was about to have people knock down my door and start... i don't know... pointing fingers at me or something. really freaked me out. then i realized, "chad kinda put this junk out there for us all to see and enjoy. so lets just enjoy. huh? whatcha think, tiger?"

yes, i do call myself "tiger" from time to time.

so as i continued to read chad's blogs i got this pervasive feeling that he was getting something out of this. i know chad, and i doubt that he'd be so arogant to assume that he was "giving" anything to anybody by publishing his works. so, i guess this idea resonated with the selfish part of me. by writing and keeping this blog, maybe i'll get a sense of meaning from looking at my published words.

i'll put this blogsite address on my AIM profile. maybe i'll forward it to a friend or two. but, will anyone else "get" anything from this? i doubt it. -i mean they might get a laugh or some joy from the realization that they aren't the strangest person out there. or not. whatever.

i'm going to go try to find another thing to do to keep myself from doing homework.


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