Thursday, February 05, 2004

Amelia and Politics

Because spewing political vomit is the cool thing to do...

So I had coffee with Amelia tonight. We had been talking about getting coffee for the longest time. But we kept saying it to be polite. All aquaitances come to a point, eventually, where you have to get coffee, or not. Besides, its the cool thing to say to people here at Baylor. "We'll get coffee." I think its a way of saying "hey I don't think you suck much. You might be worth my time."

I cornered Amelia after a few of the exchanged "we should get coffee" comments and called our shared bluff. We decided to get coffee after Amelia got back from "Dwelling Place".

We met there and I immediately started making fun of her. This is something I love about Amelia, she lets me make fun of her. It makes me feel like one of the "cool college guys" that always... make fun of people. Whatever, you get the idea. (Hopefully)

Also, Amelia is a Democrat. Finding a christian, non-hippy-stoner-tree-hugger, democrat woman on this campus, much less, in the state of Texas is like stumbling upon an albino torch-juggling monkey. But what's cool about Amelia is that she's actually well-informed and articulate, which allows for some stimulating conversation. She's one top-notch girl. I'm totally a fan and thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. Hope we do it again.

Speaking of repeating mistakes, this brings me to my suggested topic... how I feel about the upcoming presidency. I know that someone whose political education is limited to what they've seen on the bumper stickers shouldn't waste people's time talking about said subject. -But i won't let that stop me. Now let me preface it by saying that I am neither a republican nor a democrat. I'd have to say I'm a "staunch moderate". I don't really trust people who vote straight down the ticket... all the time. I voted for Bush with my first ever presidential vote. I won't say that I made a bad decision. Other than "no child left behind", I liked what he had to say and he was definitely humbler than Gore. Also, he was pro-life which was a major push-button issue for me at the time. I feel like I made the vote I should have made, given the information I had.

But now is a different time, my friends. Big mistakes have been made. America was rushed into a war for reasons other than those presented. Statements presented as facts have since been found to be faulty, if not fraudulent. I often wonder what power I, as one of over 250 million Americans, have.

I'll tell you this much. After years of mysteries, witch-hunts and other spectres, all I really want is some simple, concrete and hard-core promises that America is going to get what it REALLY needs. Its like this. At the end of every semester, college kids tend to run a little on the dough. The results of their lack of responsible budgeting force them to "trim the fat" and live only off of what they really need. For me, that is, to pay the bills, and settle debt. I do that, or else I'm screwed for next semester. Sticking to a budget means that sometimes, I actually have to eat all my meals at the cafeteria, no matter how much I hate the idea of having another sub-par quesadilla, I swallow my pride for the sake of my future credit.

Hopefully, you guys are getting what I'm alluding to. Right now, the country is at the end of the semester. Our budget is running at an all-time high deficit. We keep getting promised things like universal health care, better education etc. etc. All I know is that we need a government that will wake up to reality and make some hard, decisions. Some of the superfluous B.S. will have to be cut. The new medicare drug bill that's turning out to cost 33% more than anticipated -cut. New pet projects for certain senators -cut. pay raises -cut. All in the name of gaining our good credit back.

Its too late to talk anymore.

I'm out.

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