Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Moments lost

Anyone who says they don't have regrets is more than just ignorant. They're a fool. We all have things we wished we would have done. We've all gone out on the date that made us wish we would have "been washing our hair". We've all gotten that haircut that looked really cool in the magazine, but just didn't quite work well with our bone structure.

Everyone reading this has, at one point of time or another, grooved to New Kids On The Block.

Yes, we all have things we wished we wouldn't have done. But today, I was wondering about the things that we wish we would have done. Things like investigating whether that cute Pi Phi in your chem lab was flirting with you when she always asked to borrow your lab notes. Or what would have happened if you would have tried out for the baseball team at your new school? What would have happened?

But even more specifically, I've been thinking about those points in time where lives intersect. Like those moments where you could have done something that could have affected people or a situation. We've all been in situations where we're at the edge of a cliff. You can jump, you can run away. Or perhaps a better analogy for the situation would be to consider it a Bomb. Its just that volatile. You can excite it or snuff out the fuse.

Here's a for instance: Lady and the Tramp eating spaghetti. Tramp decided not to take that exact moment to put the move on Lady. He didn't. Now if you forget the rest of the story, would you have wondered how things might have gone differently in that situation if he'd played ball in that moment? Do you think Tramp would have ever wished back in frustration?

Everyone has situations like that. Times where, in retrospect, you wish you would've had the gusto to grab that bomb and light the damn fuse and to hell with the consequences?

I remember the first time I ever had a girl tell me she loved me. (Other than family, of course.) I completely blew it, man. I have no doubt she meant it. It was just so unexpected because she was usually so emotionally unavailable. (A trend in ex and most likely future ex-girlfriends that continues today). And then you have me, love first and ask questions later. The glancing comment hit me like a 2x4 to the skull. I'm told that a train running break-neck can be thrown by a penny on the track. Such was the case in that lost moment. I blew it and said something stupid. It haunts me still today.

I try my best not to let my lost moments punish me, but to make them experiences to learn from. Testimonies of "what could have been". It just kind of sucks when I think of how their number seems to grow.

Yeah, so not much of a point. Just typing to hear the sounds of the keys.

Check out Punjabi MC. He owns.

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