Thursday, January 27, 2005

Who's going to be 6000?

If you're the 6000th person to hit this site, leave your name and address and I'll send you my "super-happy-thanks-for-dropping by-morning mix!" Just leave a comment!


Tales from Afar said...

Ok, probablemente yo soy esa persona , who knows? posteo igual nomas, quizas no sepas español o entiendas poco lo que estoy diciendo, no importa, cumplo lo que se dijo, igual 6000? no será mucho?
I'm going to introduce myself I'm from Chile (far far away) I'm 19 and I study English Literature and Linguistics at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, probably you haven't heard of my University or Chile, it's Ok we are used to it... (if you have heard just let me know)

Neil E. Golemo said...

HAHAHAHA! How did I KNOW this was going to happen!?!?! Well, a promise is a promise. And I would appreciate it if you let me keep it!

I've had a couple friends recently visit Chile. Also, I watched a lot of MTV's Road Rules when they were in Chile, so I'm game. Send me your address, and I'll get it to you pronto!

myleswerntz said...

did i make it?

Toni said...

I'm number 6030. Congratulations!

myleswerntz said...

24? my place? i've got some squash with your name on it!

Anonymous said...

fuck yeah i made it im 6000

ps the holocaust never happend