Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Devil and General Mills

I'm sort of an analogy person. I love analogies. They help me, sometimes, to better understand what is happening, like the cross section page of Zoobooks magazine.

So here goes...

Right now in my life is like cereal.

I am a cereal eater who has been choosing from the variety pak his entire life. And I'm dying to settle down to one flavor. I'm sick and tired of only getting to appreciate a bowlful at a time.

Now, I thought I had my cereal -my Lucky Charms if you will. I had honestly thought I had the perfect cereal for me. But General Mills, in all of her Devilish mystery, has decided to stop production of that marshmallow and oats delicacy known as Lucky Charms and it sucks.

Yeah, perhaps General Mills will realize her mistake and start up her supply again, but something tells me waiting and hoping isn't the best use of my time. So, I'll send my letter of disappointment to the company's headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan and know I did less than I could, but only what I should. If I wait... well I guess man cannot live on cereal alone anyway.

So its back to the variety pak that I dislike so much. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure I'm even in the mood for cereal. (Not that I'm in the mood for sausage.... Okay, bad joke)

But here's the thing. Its morning and I'm freaking starving.

My wonderful friend Stacey (the girl upon whom I have a crush ;) ) told me that I shouldn't even go to the store hungry, because I'll only end up eating junk food.

Jordan (Blog write Boof), reminds me that the great thing about the variety pak is that its only a bowl at a time. Just enough to take off the edge. And if I should just so happen with a Cookie Crisp that's just a little too much sugar and not enough filling, I only have a bowl to soldier through, and not a whole box.

But then again I pause to consider my potential actions. I mean, what about the denizens of the variety pak? How could I use them so? I mean, yeah, sure, it's only a bowlful of commitment to me, but to them, its the whole thing. Its all they are. If I'm not looking at the variety pak with the intention of maybe buying the whole thing, am I fulfilling my gentleman's code?

I don't know about things sometimes, guys. Maybe I'll just have some oatmeal.

1 comment:

guywiththefunnyname said...

I hear ya. I really do.

Personally, I'm waiting for a cereal with the special surprise inside. In a truly wholesome manner, of course.