Thursday, January 13, 2005


I was fighting off a bit of lonliness last night and I decided to make a mental list of things that comfort me. Specifically, sensations that make me feel warm and happy. Y'know, the ones that touch the ticklish part of the heart.

I'll just list a few or four or five and please, feel free to add any you'd like.

There's the feeling you get when trying on a tuxedo and you look in the mirror and talk to yourself in the mirror using your best/worst Sean Connery. "Pushy-Galore" Or, [in a girly voice] "Oh James! I got you all wet!" [back to 007] "itsh okay, my martini's shtill dry... take off your pantish."

Cleaning out the lint-trap in the clothes dryer.

The few seconds where the sheets are cold in bed that makes you ball up right before you get warm.

The feeling you get as you turn to the second-to-the-last page of a really good book and you can see the silhouette of the last words through the page.

Wearing a hoodie straight out of the dryer.

Two words: "Ears" and "Q-tips."

Scratching the itch on your nose after you put down the really heavy box full of super-fragile stuff.

Hitting a baseball right in the sweet spot of the bat.

Running barefoot through wet, freshly cut, grass.

The way my mom smells.

Unwrapping a new DVD.

Having all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer... um, or so I've heard....

Sticking your tongue out at someone when they aren't looking...

Any more to add?


Anonymous said...

taking a dump on a toilet seat

with love,


guywiththefunnyname said...

I especially associate with the Sean Connery imitation. And the 2nd to last page.

Might I add......the aroma of good coffee when one is dead tired, either in the morning when I'd just as soon kill someone as wish them well, or just about any time of the day during finals.

guywiththefunnyname said...

And give me a link!

char said...

hi, i'm MB's friend charissa. there's quite a story as to how, through her telling me to read a blog that was linked from yours...i ended up reconnecting with someone and all that good stuff. ok, but anyhow. i agree with the hoodie thing. i would also add that i like seeing missed calls on my phone and knowing that it's from someone i love. it's also fun to lie to winter premiere kids...just because you can. that's what i did tonight. yup, nice to meet you.