Wednesday, February 16, 2005

This concept of "Wuv" confuses and infuriates me!

I love the Conversational Candy Hearts. Yeah yeah yeah, the trite-ness of having sweet nothings and pop-phrases compiled into single letter abbreviations and mass-printed "catty-wompously" onto thousands of heart-shaped candies is intriguing to say the least. The possibilities for pondrance are endless! However, my love has more to do with their taste. I don't know what it is, but I love the taste. They're probably the coolest thing about Valentine's day.

They're kind of like Cadburry Egg's, Mallow Pumpkins and Candy Canes. They're sort of a seasonal delight. If they were around for the whole year, people would probably think they suck. But, since you can only get them for 2 or 3 months out of 12, they're a delicacy.

On Monday, I went over to Danielle's after class for a V-tine's day party/ Chocolate Fest. I sampled her wares: chocolate-dipped oranges and strawberries, chocolate bars, kisses, and, of course, chili. Delicious, Danielle, tasty to say the least. However, when I reached into the dish with the conversation hearts, eager for this year's first taste of that bonemeal-and-earwig honey -chalky goodness, I found that my lips, instead of curling into a smile, had squeezed and contracted into a pucker. These weren't sweet?! but Sour! I felt so let-down.

It was 3 o'clock on Monday before I realized what day it was. I saw people in their S.A.D. (singles awareness day) shirts, and heard friends complaining about their bad luck at being single upon a day like today. I heard people complaining about the "commercialism" of it all. How V-tine's day was invented by the Greeting Card companies. Perhaps.

But upon reflection, I'll give you my day.

I slept late. Did a little homework. Had a great class. Candy and friends at Danielle's. Then I went over and had my weekly face-time with two of the biggest Bad-Asses I know. Jack Bauer and Myles Werntz. I came slightly hungry and ready for this season's episode of of 24, and I left satiated, pumped for next week and with a plane ticket to El Paso in May. Southwest thanks you, Myles Werntz.

On the way home from the house of the big brother I never had, I began to wonder about what a nice, pleasant and quaint day I had just enjoyed. But as a single Tiger on the prowl, how could this be? Its game-day and I'm riding the pine.

I loved Valentine's day growing up because it was a chance to give everyone a Valentine; a chance to let everyone in my homeroom, as I dropped my ALF Valentines into the shoebox on the edge of their desk, know that I thought they made my life, time better spent. My dad takes flowers to the girls in his office. My mom sends me a little care package. I call my sisters and tell them I love them. How can such a day be bad?

Myles fried me some eggplant. I am loved.

But as for the commercialism? There is a bit. I, myself, have always liked Valentine's Day better when I was single. I hate being expected to do something simply because of a day. You can't force romance. And who wants a love like that anyway?

On my way home from Myles's, I drove in front of the Waco Tribune building just in time to see the night watch-man do his rounds outside. I saw him ambling along, awkwardly, his poor belt straining into his waist like a rubber-band on a water-balloon. "He's not very romantic", I thought. But he's like me, maybe. That's the kind of Love I want.

Who wants a Love like a muscle-ly armed Arnold Swartzenegger Green Beret protecting your heart? Arnold Swartzenegger is too high maintenance and not at all realistic. I want to love like an overweight security guard. Perhaps a little unwieldy and top-heavy at times. Maybe I'll spill a little spaghetti sauce on the front of my uniform and won't notice it. But I get the job done and you know I need the job as much as the job needs me. A little unromantic? At times. But, among all things, its true.

Like the candy hearts, its not always so much a matter of quality, as it is of taste.

PS, a special mix CD to the first person who can give me where I stole the title of this post from and their address!


Anonymous said...

you find warm love in seamen.

Neil E. Golemo said...

Yeah Tim! Go Navy! Actually, I've been converted to more of an ARMY man as of late. But I'm glad to see you're excited about something!

Anonymous said...

Mike says: "Princess Bride?"

Neil E. Golemo said...

No Mikey... but I'll give you points for making me think of that movie.


Anonymous said...

"This concept of 'wuv' confuses and infuriates us!" ~ Lur, Ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8

Neil E. Golemo said...

Jordan, my fellow "Futurama"-connoisseur has won himself a CD with his astoundingly pathetic flexing of useless knowlege.

Oupa! Enjoy!

myleswerntz said...

so tonight, i made some more of that vegetable moussaka. it was a hit again with a prof friend and his family. i look forward to being between the arnold and watchman figures, and being me. neil, we're two single guys who deserve more than hanging onto girls who don't want none.

Anonymous said...

I guess it's easy to be confused with a guy named Jordan when one posts anonymously, I guess that's only fair. Knowledge, no matter its use, is never pathetic, but merely a little odd at best...

Neil E. Golemo said...

Well, "not Jordan", give me your address, and I promise to send you an ultra-cool bomb-less CD. Promise!

and just because the title says "annonymous" doesn't mean you can't let us know who you are ;)

myleswerntz said...

hey you know what'd be really cool? if you gave me a CD. that's be AWESOME.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I confess, I'm "anonyomous."


myleswerntz said...

okay, so i know you're in a drunken stupor, but it's really time for a new post.

Anonymous said...

Mamachow wants to know if her precious baby boy got his Valentine package from his mommy who loves him soooooomuch? It's not like the butthead would call her and say thanks.